What is a Digital Strategy?
In a nutshell, a digital strategy is a ‘plan’, it’s something that outlines how you’re going to get from A to B. While this sounds rather straightforward, creating and implementing a digital business strategy is something that requires plenty of knowledge and experience to execute successfully. There is no one-size-fits-all when it comes to creating your strategy, and it’s important to decide your business goals and then identify how you can grow your business e.g. through various channels such as Paid Search, SEO and Paid Social.
Whether you’re a new brand looking to increase brand awareness, or an established brand looking to scale your e-commerce business through product expansion, devising a digital marketing strategy is your first step to success.
Why is Your Digital Strategy Important?
Your digital strategy is important because it gives you a direct route to test and learn to achieve your goal. It outlines tests you’re going to undertake; it gives you clear checkpoints that allow you to step back and reflect on the changes you’ve made, whether they’re achieving the desired outcomes you set as their target and if not, allows you to pivot your strategy to ensure you remain on track. Your digital strategy also keeps all team members on the same page, everyone is aware of what is expected of them, when and what the desired outcome is – it’s a win-win for all.
Where to Start in Creating Your Digital Strategy
As part of our client’s monthly strategies, we look at what our clients want to achieve, the budget that’s allocated to BAU vs what we can use for testing and learning and whether there are any key calendar dates that we can leverage to our advantage. We’re also looking at what stock levels are like, what products our clients want to focus on and even the weather.
From a channel-level perspective, we then look at whether we want brand or non-brand growth, if efficiency supersedes revenue growth or if new customer acquisition is the key. There are so many moving parts to a digital strategy, so it’s really important to bed in with our clients, understand what is key to them and their business and what is it going to give them the most long-term benefit – a spike in revenue is great now, but if that comes at the cost of new customer growth then who are they going to re-target through email down the line and at a much cheaper cost? (You really do need to have your thinking cap on and ensure you step back and think of the bigger picture)
Digital Strategy Example:
You want to grow your brand awareness.
You look at testing basic static ads on Facebook, a platform you’re yet to explore, which allows you to unlock a new audience that will feed into your digital strategy. You can then look at a second level – who you are targeting, what locations, demographics, and what interests people have, so that you can create a strategy that homes in on a set of people who your brand deems relevant. You may also suggest creating lead generation ads to get these customers to sign up for your brand, usually offering a small discount in exchange for their email and hey presto, before you know it the strategy is growing and so is your brand.
How Can Green Ginger Digital Support You?
Green Ginger Digital are a Hull-based Performance Marketing agency with 25+ years of experience in helping businesses to grow through the highest standard of digital marketing campaigns. We have supported everything from big-name brands to small independents and everything in between, making us your go-to agency that combines commercial prowess with the personal touch, so, no matter your size of business, type of business or business goals, we’ll work with you to create a digital marketing strategy that’s customised to your business and and goals.
Our performance marketing specialists work with businesses of all shapes and sizes, allowing us to remain first-rate and reliable whilst approachable and accessible. To get started on your customised digital strategy and watch your business blossom, get in touch with our team today.